BSSEC is delighted to announce their membership of BSI’s Associate Consultant Programme for accreditation standards support.

The Associate Consultant Programme exists to help businesses who realise the importance of gaining environmental or energy management certification but may not have the expertise, time or resources in house to achieve it.

BSI puts businesses in touch with ACP members such as BSSEC, who are independent energy consultants and can take the business through the entire certification process. BSSEC will then offer advice, share expert knowledge of the various standards’ requirements and put the necessary systems in place to achieve certification.

BSSEC is already helping organisations achieve the following standards:

Environmental Management: ISO 14001, EMAS
Energy Management: ISO 50001

Benefits of certification:

  • Performance benchmarking
  • Reduce energy spend
  • Reduce waste
  • Boost growth
  • Gain competitive edge
  • Futureproof for energy regulation
  • Improve reputation
  • International recognition


BSSEC has been working in the field of energy efficiency for over 12 years and has worked with over 600 large businesses across a wide variety of industries. With a strong track record of delivery, our expertise has achieved millions of pounds worth of energy savings in the UK, Europe and across the world.

To learn more about BSI’s Associate Consultant Programme, please click here.

To learn more about accreditation standards or the process of certification, please get in touch with us today.

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